Anniversary invitation template. Anniversary invitation text. Examples of anniversary invitation texts and birthday invitations 50th anniversary invitation template

It would seem that it could be simpler than to compose the text of an invitation to an anniversary or other special event, but how many nuances and subtleties arise!

So, let's start with the appeal:

"Dear (dear, honorable) Ivan Denisovich!"

What if he is not alone? And, for example, with my wife:

"Dear Ivan Denisovich and Marya Petrovna!"

What if you don’t know her and don’t know her name? Oddly enough, most often they write:
"Dear Ivan Denisovich and his wife"...

And the question arises: is your wife not respected?
We advise you to avoid such options in the text of an anniversary invitation. It's better to write it like this:

"Dear Ivan Denisovich! I invite you and your wife..."

What if Ivan Denisovich is not married and has a girlfriend? In this case, in order not to get into trouble, at the end of the invitation in small print you can write:

"The invitation is valid for two persons".

And everything is immediately clear. Let your friend choose with whom it will be pleasant and comfortable for him to spend a festive evening on the occasion of your anniversary.

You can also refuse to contact us at all, and begin the text of the invitation with the words:

"You are invited to...",
and write the guest’s name on the envelope by hand or on a business card or box if you chose a scroll as an invitation card.

Now let's remember When should you write the word “you” with a small letter, and when with a capital letter?.

According to the rules of the Russian language, we write “You” with a capital letter if we are addressing one person, and we write “you” with a small letter if we are addressing two or more. Here's a simple rule.

But here it should be noted that the text of the anniversary invitation can be considered as the author’s text, and then even if you write "I invite you..."(“You” with a capital T), then this will not be a terrible grammatical error.

Let's move on to the main text. It all depends on your style and imagination.
For example:

I invite you to celebrate my 50th birthday, which will take place (date, time, place, address)...
I invite you to a gala dinner on the occasion of my birthday...
We invite you to a gala evening dedicated to the 15th anniversary of our company...
We will be glad to see you at the celebration in honor of the presentation of the new collection...
I will be glad to see you on May 25, 2012 at 18:00 at the Prague restaurant and celebrate the anniversary of my birth with you.
I have the honor to invite you to a gala event on the occasion of my anniversary...

In the texts of birthday invitations, sometimes there is such an oddity:

I will be glad to see you on my 35th birthday, which oh will take place on November 10, 2012

Dress code: smart casual.

Please note: the direct object after the comma refers specifically to the word “Day”, and not to the word “birth”. And the word “Day” is masculine, so you need to write “which”.

In this example, it is better to remove the words " to be held", and the sentence will become more pleasant to the ear:

I will be glad to see you on my 35th birthday on November 10, 2012
on the shore of the still very warm Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv.
We meet at 19:00 in the banquet hall of the Dan Tel Aviv Hotel.

At the end of the invitation, as a rule, there should be signature. This also has its pitfalls.

Have you ever wondered why in business letters the words “Regards” are followed by comma, despite the fact that it is not regulated in any way by the rules of the Russian language?
But in business English it is required :).
This English comma has become so familiar in Russia over the past 15 years that they are trying to incorporate it into other variants, for example:

"Sincerely yours and, C ergey and Irina"
"Best wishes and, A lexander"

We must not forget that the signature in the invitation is a kind of requisite (stamp, seal), and, of course, in the last two examples (from the point of view of the rules of the Russian language) the comma is superfluous.
If you do decide to put a comma in your signature, do it consciously, based on the specific situation.

About the period at the end of the signature:

There is no period at the end of the signature of an anniversary invitation.

One more addition.
If you start the invitation with the words “Dear Ivan Denisovich,” then in the signature it is better not to repeat “With respect” again; you can limit yourself to your first and last name.

Sale from 10 pieces of one type

Invitations for an anniversary - a round date obliges...

A birthday happens to be celebrated only once a year, and an anniversary is celebrated even less often - once every five years! Therefore, preparing for a celebration of this magnitude cannot but take a lot of strength and energy. There is a lot to take care of and, of course, first of all, you need to send anniversary invitations to all your friends, colleagues, relatives and maybe even neighbors. This must be done in advance so that each potential guest has time to receive notice and prepare for the holiday properly.

Invitations for every taste and moment

In order not to unnecessarily complicate your task, we suggest using the services of our store with the beautiful name “Unita”. Here you can always find interesting samples of printed products:

  • original 50th anniversary invitation cards;
  • original invitation cards for the 55th anniversary;
  • promotional discounts and a wide selection of invitations for 60 years;
  • bright Happy New Year cards.

How to order anniversary invitations?

In addition, we offer our products in small wholesale - from only ten pieces - so you can take advantage of our offer, even if you plan to celebrate your birthday in an exclusively narrow circle of people close to you. This is especially true, because an invitation to an anniversary in a regular telephone mode can hardly be considered a successful and original move. The technical capabilities of printing captivate with their unexpected solutions.

By sending anniversary invitations, you can not only inform guests about the place and time of the celebration, but also surprise them with an original approach.

Organizing a holiday is a fun and exciting thing, especially if this holiday is dedicated to the organizer. But in the bustle, you can miss important details, for example, forget about the invitations.

If you take the organization of the event seriously and in an original way, then by sending anniversary invitations you can surprise the guests by demonstrating to them the grandeur of the celebration and the importance of the upcoming event.
Thus, friends and relatives will understand that what is being planned is not an ordinary feast in a narrow circle, but a real holiday dedicated to a round and significant date.

Where to begin?

Invitations are the calling card of the event, so they should be designed accordingly. For example, if you take invitations for a wedding anniversary, you can start from its theme, color scheme or any other memorable features.

If white and blue colors predominated at the wedding, then when decorating the invitations it is better to follow this color scheme, thus you can remind the guests of the past holiday and return them to the day when they, together with the newlyweds, solemnly celebrated the creation of a new family.

You can also do this if the wedding was themed. The symbols and attributes of the chosen theme will fit well into the interior when decorating the venue for the anniversary in honor of this event.

Before choosing invitations, you need to think carefully and not rush, in case interesting ideas still prevail over monotonous cardboard cards.

It is also worth taking care of how invitation cards for the wedding anniversary will be presented. Of course, they can be sent by mail or given in person at a meeting, but if the decision to surprise has already been made, then you can come up with something unusual. For example, if the wedding was a biker’s, then a biker can present invitations to its anniversary.

Basic rules when creating invitations

The invitation itself is nothing more than a piece of paper with text, but creativity and imagination can turn it into something unusual and surprising. To begin with, you should think about its design. An invitation is not always an even rectangle of paper; it can be made in completely different shapes.

A collage of photographs of the newlyweds, which depicts the gradual changes in their family that have occurred during the time they have been together, or a wooden plaque as a symbol of the strength of the marriage that gradually appears over the years. In principle, there are no restrictions regarding texture, color and shape on invitations, there is only imagination.

Appearance is only one of the components of anniversary invitations; the second component is their content. The usual text of an anniversary invitation is the specified place, time and date of the planned celebration, but here you can also show a creative approach.

If the video preserves the toasts and wishes made by the guests, then they can be used in the invitation, reminding friends and family of the kind words that they said that day, or you can arrange the invitations in the form of riddles, the answers to which will be the same above-mentioned date, time and place celebration of the anniversary.

DIY invitations - get creative

You can either buy invitations or make them yourself, which will be much more interesting for both the heroes of the occasion and their guests. The advantage of the second option is that there are simply no restrictions. If you do everything with soul, then such invitations can turn out much better and more beautiful than store-bought ones.

And even if you already have a certain idea about how to design an invitation, but it is impossible to bring it to life on your own, then custom-made invitations would be an option. By contacting any printing company, you can print exactly the option that you chose and came up with.

DIY anniversary invitations can be designed in many different ways., for example, a scroll would be a good idea. Its advantage is simplicity and originality at the same time. First of all, the shape of the invitation itself does not present any difficulties, secondly, its idea is already in itself, something unusual and distant from a rectangular cardboard sheet, and when designing the paper, you can show your imagination by choosing an unusual font, color or its texture.

Original design for an anniversary invitation

Since now invitations for guests are sent only for weddings, the very presence of an invitation for an anniversary will be something original. There are a lot of options for its design; it all depends on the wishes of customers and the capabilities of manufacturers. If original ideas still haven’t crossed your mind, then you can choose one of the most popular options.

  • Video invitation.
    Such an invitation in itself is unusual. In order to make it, you don’t need any paper, ribbons, or pencils; a camera and well-prepared text will be enough. You can send such an anniversary invitation via email, social network, or simply transfer it on a flash drive.
  • Thematic invitation.
    When choosing a specific theme for the celebration, the invitation must correspond to it. Thus, there are fewer options for its design, but more ideas. Having chosen a Hollywood party as the theme of the evening, the invitations can be designed in the form of envelopes that are used at the Oscars with the accompanying statuette, and they can be presented by a specially hired actor or the hero of the occasion themselves in a tuxedo and evening dress.
  • A staged invitation.
    By choosing this option, the appearance of the invitation itself fades into the background, and its presentation comes first. And even if no specific theme for the evening is chosen, the invitation can still be presented in an original way. You can surprise, make fun of, or frighten guests, for example, by presenting an invitation at night in that corner of some alley when they are late returning home.

How to avoid common mistakes?

There are also mistakes in the design and delivery of invitations, which occur with enviable regularity. The most common of them are grammatical errors, and in order to avoid them you need to carefully think through the content and re-read the text several times. First of all, you need to check the names of the guests, since your beloved friend Yulia will not be pleased to learn that she was invited to the anniversary as Yuri, and so on.

Another common mistake is poor design of invitations. Despite the fact that maximum imagination and creativity was involved in their production, you still need to know when to stop. Bulky, fragile or invitations that tend to quickly lose their shape are probably not the best idea.

Many people tend to keep invitations as well as cards given to them for the holidays, so the longer the invitation remains in its original form, the better.

It would seem that invitations to an anniversary are the simplest and most uncomplicated thing, but how much creativity and imagination can be shown when creating them, how many ways they provide to surprise friends and how many reasons to remember for a long time the evening when your relatives were honored to become guests of honor at a solemn and important event in the life of their loved ones.

Beautiful and original anniversary invitations: video

An anniversary invitation should be beautiful and original. We have prepared several videos for you that will tell you how to make original invitations with your own hands.

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