How to deal with a gift with bad energy. Damage through a gift: when to be careful. How to deprive Gifts from ill-wishers of evil power

Very different situations happen in life, some of them make us happy, others, on the contrary, upset us. But, be that as it may, a person always strives for the best. Today we will help you make your life a little better.

We will talk about how to get rid of slander about donated items, and also lift the veil over love slander. Intrigued? Then read on.

Freeing ourselves from gift negativity

Often, gifts are presented to us by relatives or friends, but even among them there are those from whom you can get a “stab in the back.”

Thus, many women complain that the gifts their mothers-in-law give them bring quarrels and misfortunes into the house.

Also, some people, for the sake of profit or out of envy and malice, give “bad” gifts to their friends. This is why many are afraid to accept gifts, even from the closest people.

After all, by taking or, you can bring trouble to the house. In order not to bring joy to your enemies, and to save yourself from troubles and adversities, you need to remove the curse from the gift, and here are several ways to do this:

Idea! Among other things, you can simply get rid of the gift, thereby removing the negativity from the house. Psychics advise burning or burying “bad” things, and under no circumstances simply throwing them out onto the street or into a trash can, so that they do not bring misfortune to someone else.

Of course, you cannot tell by looking at a thing that there is a curse on it, but you will certainly feel it over time. Even passing by this object, you will feel that something is wrong. A beautiful and clean gift will always please:

Cupid affairs

Love magic is very ancient and, of course, it is fraught with many secrets, it is unrealistic to know them all, but you can learn something. The most popular are love spells.

Many young girls think that the only way to attract the guy they love is to bewitch him.

There is a lot of advice on this topic on the Internet, some of which seem plausible, while others are quite absurd. We offer you some of the worthwhile options:

Advice! No matter how much you love a man, you should not deprive him of the right to choose, because this is not fair to him. Your love may pass after some time, and the person will remain unhappy for the rest of his life, since it is very difficult to remove a love spell.

Of course, it is impossible to fit all the information about slander into such a short article, but we have revealed the main, and, in our opinion, the most interesting points. Well, whether it’s worth using the information received is up to you to decide.

Aug 28

Gift “you won’t wish it on your enemy” (Gift with lining)

Most people love to give and receive gifts. Choosing and buying a gift can turn into a pleasant little adventure. But sometimes gifts are chosen for the wrong reason. to please a person. We are talking about so-called gifts with lining

Not every gift is unique and pleasant.. There are such “gifts” that it is better to refuse, no matter how expensive they are, and no matter how much you would like to have this thing. Or try to at least protect yourself from the negative

the impact of such a “gift”.

As a fortune teller with extensive experience, I often encounter in my practice the fact that we often don’t even know where, when and to whom we “crossed the road” and from a friend or acquaintance we received, to put it mildly, an ill-wisher... And not every person is able to forgive an offense , even if you did it out of ignorance.

Revenge and envy of other people's successes haunt many people, even if they do not want to admit it to themselves.

Of course, there are people who completely sincerely and without a second thought give you gifts, which will be discussed further. BUT GOD WILL PROTECT THE BENEFITS. It never hurts to be on the safe side. The price of carelessness may be too high.

Gift with lining

And so, let’s move on to gifts that bring misfortune into the house and ways to neutralize their negative impact.

You received GLOVES as a gift.

Gloves protect your hands from the cold. Why do you need someone else's warmth? This gift can put you at the mercy of the giver. There are ancient rituals and conspiracies to gain power over a person through such a “gift”. This can cause significant harm to the mental and physical health of the person wearing these gloves.

How to protect yourself.

Give the coin to the donor, thereby paying him off. Then, within a week (no later!) “give back” - give this person gloves too. If for some reason this is unacceptable to you, go visit this person and “accidentally” forget his gloves for at least a week. If the gloves had a magical “add-on”, then during this time all this negative “add-on” will leave your gloves and spread throughout the donor’s home.


The previous gift can affect your mental and physical state. A belt can limit and “shackle” your actions. There will be no swing or run-up for the jump. You may find yourself “carefully protected” from achieving good luck, success, and victory. The belt is an attempt to give you a small, enclosed space to exist.

How to remove negativity.

As in the first case, give a coin in return, “pay off”. Then perform the following ritual. Place 3 church candles in a row and light them, place a straightened (do not twist or fold in half) belt next to it and read the Lord’s Prayer 12 times. Extinguish the candles (then you need to throw away these cinders). Let the belt sit for a week and you can wear it.

You received a HANDKERCHIEF as a gift.

Almost everyone knows that a handkerchief should neither be given nor accepted as a gift. Giving a handkerchief means giving tears. A handkerchief is a symbol of grief, illness and tears. You can get this whole “bouquet” in addition to a handkerchief. Even if it is very beautiful and expensive handmade.

How to protect yourself.

Pay off immediately with a coin. Then wash this scarf and iron it without arrows (without folding). Place it in front of icons or a burning candle and read the “Our Father” with sincere wishes to the donor of health, good luck and other blessings, so that this ritual does not cause harm to this person.

(In parentheses, I note that if a person gave you this scarf with an “add-on”, you should not particularly worry about not causing harm to him. He knew perfectly well what harm he wanted to cause to you by giving such a gift with a lining. And protecting him from the consequences of his dirty action, you thereby encourage him to continue to do such abominations. But this is my personal opinion, based on life observations, whether it is worth protecting such a donor from the consequences of his own dirty tricks or not is up to you to decide.)


Be especially wary of receiving religious items as gifts. It doesn't matter what religion we are talking about. On icons, crosses, lamps and other church and religious attributes one can (and are doing!!!) a great myriad of different rites and rituals that are far from being of the most humane nature.

How to protect yourself.

If possible, it is better to simply refuse such gifts. You can never be 100% sure of the sincerity of the donor. And by accepting such a gift, you run a great risk of dragging all the misfortunes of the giver into your life.

If you cannot refuse such a gift for any reason, take this gift to a church, or take it to a pawnshop and distribute the proceeds to the poor or give it to some charitable foundation or project.


Just like icons and crosses, these are cult objects. And they may not be “charged” in the most favorable way for a person and (or) space. Those. already buying such an item as a gift, a person may not even suspect that he will give someone a “gift with a lining” without even keeping any malicious intent in his head.

How to protect yourself

To begin, wrap your gift in a piece of white silk and place it in a dark place for a week, such as a closet or in a box on top of a closet. Then search the library or the Internet for information about that deity or spirit. What he is responsible for, what his character is, what he likes and what he doesn’t like, etc.

Then (after 7 days) take out your gift and perform a ritual of cleansing from negative energy that may still be in it. You can hold it in a circle of lit church candles (3 or 7 candles - at your discretion), after the candles burn out, hold it under running water for 3-5 minutes. At this point the ritual can be considered completed.

The most “evil” are considered to be ritual objects from Africa.

Personally I prefer do not keep objects of any religious cult in the house at all. Who knows what trick they might pull - figure it all out later.


Such a gift can stop time in your life and delay the arrival of good changes in your life.

How to protect yourself.

It's better to pay off right away.


A mirror is one of the most mystical and mysterious objects. Old antique mirrors are especially strong in this regard. It is better not to bring such a gift into your home at all. Such a mirror can also turn out to be a gift with a lining, even if the giver did not have any “second thoughts”. Such a mirror can take away your vital energy, youth and beauty.

A mirror can be considered a kind of portal to another world. Everything that is taken from you will flow there. It's useless to pay off here. It is also not always possible to clear such a mirror of negative energy and information.

If you could not resist the temptation to have such a thing in the house and brought it into your home, and after some time you felt something was wrong - for example, this mirror began to cause anxiety or fear in you, or in some incomprehensible way attract you to itself - the mirror began its dirty work.

How to protect yourself.

The simplest thing you can do is place several lit candles in front of the mirror, it is better that these candles are white and large in size so that they can burn for several hours. If your unpleasant sensations decrease, continue to burn candles in front of the mirror until these unpleasant sensations go away completely.

Also, if the family has small children or animals, observe their behavior and attitude towards this mirror. Their internal attunement to this type of radiation is usually finer than that of an adult, and they can pick up what you cannot feel. If the influence of the mirror still continues, it’s time to resort to the services of a professional magician. It is NOT cheap and there is no guarantee that everything will be neutralized.

Get rid of this mirror any way you can. But even after this, you will need a powerful energetic cleansing of your home, otherwise the influence of this mirror will last for quite a long time and bring you a lot of trouble with your health and well-being and, as a result, problems in communicating with close and not so close people.

It’s better not to bring such a gift into your home right away. Refuse under any pretext.


It’s worth starting with the fact that, with rare exceptions, all ancient coins were once part of treasures. And treasures were almost always put under spells and amulets. And it’s not a fact that your gift does not carry part of such a spell. Even if this coin is a gift from a pure heart, you will still unwittingly give the person a gift with a lining.

In addition, money, due to its direct function of exchanging for something necessary or luxurious, always carries the charge of many human vices, such as envy, jealousy, not to mention the number of crimes that have been committed, are being committed and will be committed because of money.

How to protect yourself.

Wrap your gift in a piece of white silk and keep this package on the windowsill for 24 hours. Then place it for 3 days in front of the icons and every morning during these 3 days light 3 candles (it is better to take church candles). Then, after these 3 days, it is a good idea to hold these coins under cold running water for a few minutes. At this point, the cleansing procedure can be considered complete.

Store your antique coins in a metal box or casket and do not remove them from there more than 2 times a week. Don't disturb them.


It can bring destruction to any area of ​​your life. This stone has an obstinate character. Who wants to know more about this, read I. Bazhov’s tale “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain” from the collection “Ural Tales”. Bazhov was an expert in Ural folklore, ancient Ural legends and beliefs.

How to negotiate with an obstinate stone.

Wrap your gift in a piece of purple silk. Light a thick church candle in front of this package and let it burn out to the end. After this, light 3 thin church candles and turn to the mountain from which the stone for your gift was extracted. Ask her forgiveness for the destruction caused and ask for guidance and blessings.

Then turn to your gift and ask it not to bring you destruction and other dirty tricks. Tell him that you have the blessing of Mother Mountain. And if it (the malachite from your gift) is “willful,” then Mother Mountain will split it into pieces, turn it into sand and scatter it to the wind. As soon as you receive consent from the malachite from which your gift is made, wipe it with golden water and the ritual can be considered complete.


They can reshape and distort your life, break off relationships with others.

How to protect yourself.

Refuse such a gift.If the donor brought them to your house and, despite your refusal, “forgot” to take them with him, draw conclusions about his true attitude towards you.

Carry out an energetic cleansing of your home after this guest leaves and take his gift to the trash.


Such a gift can encourage someone to commit a crime.

How to protect yourself.

Pay off immediately.


This gift can take you around the world.

How to protect yourself.

Ask the donor to put some kind of REAL (not souvenir) money. Let it be the smallest coin, for example 1 kopeck.

Pay off immediately.

These tips may seem funny or irritating. But following them, you will not spend a lot of time and money, but you will be able to protect yourself, your loved ones and your home from a bunch of all kinds of troubles and problems.

If, for some reason, such a charmed thing fell into your hands or into your home, try it.

P.S. I have a lot of experience in fortune telling and I also have clients in real life, but I’m relatively new to the Internet. Therefore, I will be grateful and grateful to you for your feedback and for information about what else you would like to know about fortune telling, predictions and everything related to it, in order to make my site more interesting and useful for you.

« They gave me such a thing and my whole life went downhill; and I started having troubles; My relationship has deteriorated, etc. - What should I do now?»

I cannot answer such questions within the framework of one comment for several reasons.

  • It could have been just a coincidence
  • This may be a person’s desire to shift responsibility for what is happening in his life to the person who gave this gift.
  • I don't know all the subtleties and details. Perhaps the lining for the gift was made on a completely different topic than the one that plays out in the life of the person who accepted this gift.
  • Each case is unique. Here it is IMPOSSIBLE to give any practical advice “out of the blue.”
  • In answering your question in the comments, I can only give very general answers and recommendations.

Therefore, if you want to receive a detailed answer specifically to your situation, please contact us for a consultation. We'll find out

  • is this gift really negatively charged?
  • Does the donor have anything to do with this, or does the thing have a negative charge without his participation (for example, in the case when you were given some kind of antique or religious item)
  • How exactly does this thing affect the circumstances of your life. (if it has any effect at all)
  • What was the reason for giving you such a gift?
  • What and how can/should be done to stop the negative influence on your life (if such an influence really exists). Etc.

Without having complete information, how can you give any useful advice? Perhaps the donor has nothing to do with it at all. And you are completely wrong to suspect him of all mortal sins.

You can sign up for a consultation through, or by calling me on Skype directly from the site (button My Skype located at the top of the right column).


Natalia Vammas

With respect to your views and your values,
Natalia Vammas.

What gifts should not be given and what should be done when receiving such a gift. How to cleanse a gift from evil energy and turn it into a useful thing.

Most people love to give gifts, but few people think about the true nature of things. It turns out that there are items that are not recommended to be given, and the recipient should know special manipulations that will help transform negative force into positive.

Why you can't give knives as gifts

The most common sign about gifts endowed with bad energy relates to knives and all piercing and cutting objects. The belief came from the East, where it was believed that any thing with sharp edges and corners was the embodiment of evil spirits. According to legend, representatives of dark forces can inhabit such objects and emit negative energy. Thus, a gift of a knife can provoke quarrels and discord with loved ones. Under no circumstances should knives be given as a wedding gift. According to the sign, such a marriage will not last long, and during the festive feast a stabbing may well occur. After all, this item symbolizes war and murder.

The belief applies to all piercing and cutting objects: brooches, needles, cutlery sets with forks, etc. This is due to the fact that such things are often used by black magicians in witchcraft rituals and ceremonies. For example, to induce damage, sorcerers sacrificed an animal using enchanted knives. Wanting to bring illness to a person, magicians stick needles into the corners of door frames.

How to disarm a donated mirror

The mirror has long been considered one of the most magical objects. There is a legend that the devil gave the first mirror to Eve to awaken her pride and force her to paint her face. Also, with the help of a mirror, a whole series of fortune-telling and rituals of summoning spirits are carried out.

However, despite this characteristic, it is difficult to imagine a modern house without this attribute. Moreover, antique mirrors in a beautiful carved frame can make the interior luxurious and attractive. So what can you do to protect yourself from negative influences?

Experts advise that you must carry out a simple but effective cleansing ritual. You need to take the mirror, rinse thoroughly under running water and then place it on a dark cabinet for several hours. After these procedures, you can use the item for its intended purpose.

Why are watches considered an invitation to a funeral?

The superstition that a gift of a watch can shorten your life in reality comes from China and Japan. In these countries, the one who presents such a gift makes an open hint about the wish for a quick death. It is believed that such a clock begins to count down the seconds remaining until the death of the recipient.

Many Slavic peoples also interpret such a gift negatively. Supposedly it brings emptiness, unhappiness and disappointment. It leads to quarrels and illnesses. From a magical point of view, it is strictly forbidden to give such surprises to elderly and seriously ill people. According to social etiquette, watches are not given to girls and women, so as not to hint at age.

What else should not be given?

The list of prohibited gifts includes handkerchiefs - they promise tears and loss. You cannot “make someone happy” with empty wallets and bags - you must put a small amount of money in there.

Children are not recommended to give original dolls made in a single copy. Beliefs say that such toys are endowed with their own soul and can cause harm. The same applies to portraits - even an image of the owner of the house, made by a master in a surge of anger or irritation, will provoke negativity.

You cannot give medical devices that symbolize illness: blood pressure monitors and thermometers. It is believed that the owner of the donated glasses will look at the world the way the giver wants.

If you are planning to give one of the above gifts, but do not want to harm its owner, you need to do the following. Let the recipient symbolically buy this item from you and thereby turn the gift procedure into a transaction.

09.07.2015 10:15

The knife has always been the object of bad omens, because sharp objects in many cultures are associated with...

A gift can be so skillfully wrapped that you cannot always recognize what is inside and happily accept it. Be careful!

Not everyone is able to accept offensive words and deftly “return the serve.” Unfortunately, the most significant and lasting are the words and actions associated with loved ones and relatives. In the future, this can significantly affect your life.

A mother who told her daughter that “she would never find a “decent” husband” gave her an inferiority complex for almost her entire life. Before leaving, the ex-husband rewarded you with a feeling of guilt and the conviction that you are “the worst wife in the world,” and the ex-mother-in-law happily added: “... also the most clumsy and unfeminine.” You didn’t have to wait long to be convinced of the “truth” of their words. The citizen who knocked you down in the crossing “politely” said that you were a “slow artiodactyl.”

Since you initially doubted that you had the right to a different attitude, you easily accept such characteristics about yourself. Any attention from others seems like a “valuable gift” to you. You keep it carefully, accept it as part of yourself and don’t notice how you start using “other people’s words.” In a conversation with a friend, you whisper confidentially: “...I’m the worst wife in the world.” And hurry to inform your new acquaintance: “...I have always been ugly and not feminine.”

Now list everything that depresses, irritates, hurts you in yourself. Do you really think so or did someone tell you so? Don’t rush... Remember the situation that could “give” you these beliefs.

It is difficult to resist other people's aggression, especially if you were born a weak and fragile creature. But this is not a reason to become a container for “other people’s waste.” Remember, everything that you hear and humbly accept from others has nothing to do with you. It’s just that you have become a “convenient person” for dumping “garbage” that you don’t want to carry around with you. It is not customary to “give” such things without a beautiful wrapper. They deftly wrap themselves in “tender concern for you,” “desire to help,” “protect…”, “indicate…”. A gift can be so skillfully wrapped that you cannot always recognize what is inside and happily accept it. Be careful! If your ex-mother-in-law said that “you are not feminine,” then most likely this is the problem that worries her all her life. Return what belongs only to her! If your “ex” said that “you are the worst wife in the world,” then give him this “worst option” and leave the “best” one for yourself. If your mother believes that you are “not worthy...”, then most likely she is voicing the reason for her unsuccessful marriage.

Don’t take on other people’s problems and get rid of negativity as soon as possible. If you were pushed and insulted, then immediately “tie” his insulting words to this person, and let him “rattle” them throughout the entire transition...

Regardless of the situation, learn to keep your own world clean and inviolable. If you have managed to accumulate “gifts” within yourself, then don’t worry, it’s not too late to return them. You can start doing this right now...

  1. Remember a situation when you were insulted, offended, or “gifted” with a belief that you now carry with you. How are you feeling now? How has this affected your life? Relax, take a deep breath...exhale...close your eyes...
  2. Concentrate on your inner sensations. In which part of the body do you keep your “gift”? How did you feel about it? Describe what it looks like, what emotions it evokes. If, as it increases, your unpleasant feelings increase, then you are on the right track. After such a check, return to the original image.
  3. Recreate the image of the person who “gave” you this “charm”. Look straight at him, radiate confidence in what you are doing.
  4. Mentally take out the “gift” from yourself and give it to this person. Tell him: “I forgive you, but I do not accept the gift.” Do this calmly, without thoughts of revenge, reproaches or explanations.
  5. Watch how the person's image changes. What will he do with the returned “gift”? Thank him for the valuable experience, but make it clear that you no longer need this, let go of his image, let him go.
  6. Fill the space with positive energy. What new image are you ready to take on the vacant seat? Describe what it looks like, what shape, size, how much you like it. It is important that he supports you in absolutely everything! Feel new sensations in your body. How does your mood change?
  7. Return to the previous situation with the updated image. How will you behave now? How have your reactions to words and actions changed?
  8. Thank yourself. Putting your hand on the place where the new image appeared, thank him for the fact that now he will always be with you.

Thus, you can “give away” everything that you have accumulated during this time. In order for your future life to proceed in a happy flow, immediately return the “gifts” to the “generous hands” of your offenders and aggressors. Remember, ingrained negative attitudes grow into us at a high speed, and if you don’t immediately free yourself from them, then after a while it will be difficult to distinguish “someone else’s” from your own. Take care of yourself and your life from outside interference and let them give you only pleasant, kind and useful gifts!

We all know what a gift given with malicious intent is. This is not a very comfortable thing, and in principle, every person knows what a damaged gift is. Indirect signs that everyone knows:

  1. The gift seems heavy and unpleasant. You don’t want to pick it up, you don’t like it, even if there are no formal reasons for this.
  2. The gift is constantly lost, falls, and cannot be placed in the house. For example, there is no place for a figurine, children or cats always drop it, water gets into the picture, dishes from the service tend to fall and break or actually break. I don’t want to wear the jewelry, it doesn’t go with anything and doesn’t look good with any outfit.
  3. Any interaction with a gift leads to additional troubles: quarrels, squabbles, bad mood, minor bruises.

A typical example: a coffee maker is given as a wedding gift. The young wife either cannot turn it on, or drops it in a bowl of cat food and receives a reprimand from her husband that she must take care of things. Or the coffee grinder will break. Or the coffee will turn out bitter. Or it will spill while cooking, while the spilled liquid is being wiped up, the owners will be late for work, and so on.

And it would seem that these are just everyday little things. But all life is made up of them. Therefore, you need to understand whether there is damage to the donated item.

How to find out if a gift is damaged

Before you learn how to check a gift for negativity, the evil eye and damage, you need to understand who can, in principle, give such a thing.

Unfortunately, negative energy is generated in the minds and consciousness of people, even if they are generally positive towards you. But in moments of stressful and very joyful events, even a random thought and phrase is multiplied. This can happen at a celebration of the birth of a child, mass celebrations, on New Year’s, during a funeral (when they give treats and give the deceased’s belongings to the relatives), at any serious and important moment when a person’s emotions are uncontrollable and unbalanced. On days like these, a gift given even with the seemingly playful phrase “May you have everything!!” And you didn’t get anything for it,” can cause such serious harm to a person that it is better not to accept it.

But this is not always possible.

There are gifts that are energetically questionable in themselves

This is wine, a wallet, gloves, a beer mug, handkerchiefs, sweets, calendars, any household trifle. They are designed for direct contact with the body and affect their wearer. However, any gift has an impact, even if it just sits on a shelf in the work office. It is worth paying close attention to gifts that hurt, prick, or cut. These are traditionally dangerous things used for the evil eye and damage. That’s why they don’t give knives, needles, etc. It’s also important to carefully evaluate gifts made with your own hands. They can carry a person’s thoughts, which are imbued not with goodness, but with worries and experiences. And all this will influence the recipient. The same applies to the food prepared for you.

It is also not always possible to refuse to accept a gift; sometimes circumstances oppose this. You won’t shy away from every gift and read prayers first.

Therefore, you need to know how to determine whether there is damage to things and. You need to know the basic rules of preventive protection against damage.

  1. When accepting any gift, especially from hand to hand, say the special prayer “As water is off a duck’s back, so is misfortune on me.” And mentally imagine a protective layer of flowing water around you, as if you were covered with a glass, and water flows down around you like a dome. Even a person’s attention does not penetrate through such a curtain; the vibration of damage is washed away.
  2. A gift should be accepted with gratitude. Any. Mentally direct gratitude to the person for what he has done and wish him happiness with all your heart. Even if you are almost sure that the gift is negative. Firstly, your happiness can partially dissolve it, and secondly, the situation did not come to you just like that, and you should be grateful for the experience itself. Thirdly, the evil that comes from you, if the giver is stronger, will return to you multiplied. Don't be irritated, don't think badly of the donor.

Unfortunately, that's all you can do. There are ways to protect your field from invasion, but this is a separate topic and does not specifically concern gifts.

How to get rid of a damaged gift

If you feel that a gift was given with negativity, try to check it. This is best done with a wax candle. But the wax must be natural. Buy a candle, not necessarily from a church, but from beekeepers, where the wax is usually real and whole.
There are also candles made from 100% wax from the Tentorium company or similar companies that sell beekeeping products. Read any prayer against evil and negativity, you can even just “Our Father,” and move it up and down around the gift in a circle. It doesn’t matter what the movements are, the main thing is to recite the prayer for at least a few minutes. By the way, in the same way you can check any thing in the house for negative. And in general, wax is the best method of checking a gift for negativity, the evil eye and damage.

If the flowing wax has black inclusions, you need to evaluate what they are. These could be grayish drops with black marks, it could be completely black wax, there could be figures of strange creatures. Any atypical type of wax and blackness indicates the presence of damage to things.

Don't rush to throw the item away; you can try to clean it. The ritual of cleansing an item depends on what kind of item it is, how long you have had it, who gave it to you, and what it is used for. Sometimes it’s not possible to throw something away right away; for example, it’s difficult to take and throw away a bathroom sink that was given to you by your husband’s parents. We'll have to do some repairs. You can find out how to clean damaged items from a specialist.

If there is damage to a donated item, it is best to burn it. But! It is very important to understand that individual things cannot be burned. Although fire cleanses, there are special rituals when a donated item, with which various manipulations have been performed, including burning, affects a person even more strongly.

How to remove damage from a donated item

Perform the ritual. It is better to do it on the waning moon, it is more effective, but this is not important.

  1. Collect 7 branches from different trees.
  2. Light a fire and throw an item into it.
  3. Read “Our Father” 9 times over the fire and then Psalm 90 – also 9 times.
  4. After burning, collect the ashes with a scoop, put them in a bag, do not touch them with your hands, and scatter them in the wind, preferably over running water or a river.

This ritual uses all 5 elements and is quite effective.

Now let's determine what things cannot be burned.

  1. Big and big. It's hard to imagine how you will burn a bronze lamp. Such things must be washed with prayers under running water and buried. Some data say that it is best to bury damaged items in cemetery territory. Some rituals are performed near the grave of a person who died not from illness, but from old age. But this is a very dangerous activity, and it is better not to get involved with such energies at all if you do not know how to do this. You may choose the wrong place, or perform the ritual at the wrong time with an error, and instead of damaging it, you will take on extra negativity. You can find a place near a river or lake, dig a hole, fill its bottom with salt, put an object there, bury it, build a fire in this place and read prayers.
  2. Photos of people. The photo is a phantom. You can accidentally harm a person and break not only connections and negativity, but also his thin shells. And this action is punishable. What to do with the photo is decided individually each time. Consult with a specialist providing